I met some of my local friends in Nara, my home town.
We stayed at the Izakaya restaurant for 5 hours. Never stop talking.
My husband was surprised how Kansai-jin are loud and rough!
The private room was filled by voices and laughs for 5 hours.
I didn`t have a chance to get together with them since I left Nara which is 5 ys ago?
I was very comfortable spending relaxing and exciting time with them.
We talked about local topic, people we know, what happen in our elementary school+ junior high school those day. And some current catch ups.
Oh men, I like COMING BACK home. Yes, honestly COMING BACK to visit is the best thing for me!
I thank my husband who was in the room with all of Kansai people and had stayed awake from jet lug. It is so important to me that my people knows him, he knows people here. Because this town will be his home town too!
Yes, I know that I have awesome husband!
KIE "Tokyo EP"-----------------有線リクエスト受付-------------------
a.機種番号USEN440 AE1~5チャンネル (日曜・祝日・祭日を除く毎日放送) 0120-709-301か、03-5489-0464
b.機種番号USEN440 AE6~9チャンネル (年中無休放送) 0120-709-302か、03-5489-0465
c.機種番号SoundPlanet A1~9またはA67~99チャンネル 0120-709-303か、098-921-0848
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